In December 2013, India’s Supreme Court ruled that same-sex relations between consenting adults would remain a criminal offences.
In 2013, 22 year old Beatriz was denied an abortion by the authorities in El Salvador. Beatriz suffered from a number of severe illnesses which meant that continuing with her pregnancy posed a serious threat to her life and health. The foetus was unlikely to survive beyond birth.
In January 2014, thte deeply oppressive Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act became law in Nigeria.
In January 2014, a new abortion law came into effect in Ireland – the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act – which continues to criminalise and punish abortion with a 14 year prison sentence.
Sexual and reproductive rights means we should be able to make our own decisions about our body. We should be able to get accurate information about these issues, access sexual and reproductive health services including contraception, choose when and who to marry and also be decide if you want to have children and how many. It also means that our lives should be free from all forms of sexual violence, including rape, female genital mutilation, forced pregnancy, forced abortion and forced sterilisation.
Women worldwide have always sought to control their fertility through abortion no matter how difficult it is for them to get access to abortion. To compare an adult woman or teenage girl with responsibilities, social relationships, personal plans, and so on to a completely dependent foetus is unacceptable. The foetus has no independent existence without the woman and the decision about an abortion or a continuation of the pregnancy must be the woman's decision and no one else's.
Women choose to have abortions for all kinds of reasons: poverty, bad health, too many other children, because of rape or incest or simply because they do not want to have a child at that point in their lives. We believe that all these reasons are valid. Women should not have to answer to anyone, not the church, not the state or even to doctors for their decision.
We do not agree to all forms of forced fertility control, whether it is the state imposing limits on the number of children a woman can have as in China or the denial of proper contraceptive and abortion facilities as in this country. The right to choose means the right to choose not to have a child or to have a child in circumstances where that means that neither mother nor child suffer materially or socially for that decision. We don't deny that abortion takes the life of a potential human being. The right to choose means that it is the woman's right to choose whether to bring that potential life to full term or not given the circumstances of her life.
Many women in the world might not have the appropriate circumstances to raise a child or have a child. Mothers will still be mothers, aborting a child would still break their heart. But if it is for the better of her and her child. Women should be able to allow to make her own choices to bear her child. If a women is not ready for a child, they should have the right to have her own reproductive rights. Other people should not force them into a decision they want. Its women’s right and it’s humans right. Even though, the problems are not talk about publicly but it should not be void or null.